Acupuncture is an effective treatment for pain and injuries of all kinds, including those suffered by recreational and professional athletes. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese Medicine and uses tiny needles applied different pressure points to reduce pain in various injured areas. We offer professional acupuncture at . Sports injuries can occur when participating in […]
For many athletes, injuries that prevent them from competing can be devastating. When an injury and/or intense pain prevent you from playing, sports therapy is required to heal the injury, reduce pain, restore full mobility, and improve performance. A licensed and skilled therapist can create an individualized treatment plan to get both professional and amateur […]
Many think that stretching is only for people who engage in sports. This is a common misconception. We all need to stretch our muscles regularly to protect our mobility and enhance flexibility. Stretching, whether for exercise beginners or seasoned athletes, should be done on a daily basis to protect and strengthen your muscles. However, for […]
Whether from a work-related injury, a degenerative body cycle, or other motion-limiting condition, chronic pain can be debilitating. It's very difficult to lead a productive and fulfilling life when muscles, joints, soft tissues, and balance problems create challenges each day. Advanced physiotherapy techniques are some of the most encouraging and effective therapies available to people […]
Massage therapy isn’t just relaxing; it’s used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Considered a healing practice in several cultures, massage therapy can help remove toxins from the body, improving your health and well-being. A regular visit to a massage therapist can play an important role in improving and maintaining optimal health. Massage therapy offers […]
When fall hits, temperatures drop. Bones chill. Muscles seize. We bundle up, but sometimes old aches and pains “talk” to us. Next come the flurries, freezing temperatures, snowstorms, ice, sleet… and the (sometimes) inevitable slips and falls. In Canada, 25% of serious slip-and-fall injuries occur during the winter months. The reason is obvious: ice, slush, […]
Back pain, historically, is a common condition experienced by people of all ages. About 80 percent of the world’s population experiences back pain at some point, with the lower back being the common source of the discomfort. Depending on its severity, back pain could make a person’s life miserable. It potentially hinders performing one’s daily […]
Bad weather, whether it’s a winter storm or cold, wet autumn rain, usually means it’s time to stay inside, snuggle under a blanket, and drink something warm. However, when you need to drive, you need to drive. Even if you’re an experienced driver, driving in bad weather can be a risky prospect. The slippery roads […]
Many modern jobs require you to spend much of your time sitting. However, too much time spent sitting down can cause health problems (e.g. chronic back pain). One way to get around that is to find more ways to be active at work. Try out these ideas to get some exercise in your daily routines. […]
Having a busy schedule, balancing work and kids, and watching your weight can be challenging. Waking up early, preparing breakfast, getting kids ready for school, and then getting ready for work can usurp precious morning time. Often, we don’t have time to prepare a healthful meal. Takeout or a quick slice of pizza seems like […]