If you are experiencing neck pain in Brampton or the surrounding geographical area, know that there is a caring clinic nearby offering massage, physiotherapy, sports therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and orthotics to help relieve your discomfort and create a plan for wellness and lifelong health.
When you are suffering, it’s sometimes difficult to see a way through the pain. With one phone call, you will reach professionals who understand body function and can get to the root of any physical issue that is causing your current problems. Call us today for a thorough assessment. With our hands-on approach, therapists will provide relief and help you build strength, increase balance, and improve overall mobility.
If you suffer from chronic neck pain, Brampton Ortho Neuro Physiocare is here to help. Take charge of your health with the guidance of a team that can restore you after an injury, disability, or discovery of an illness. We handle various physical problems, including:
- Work injuries
- Neck (cervical spine) pain
- Arthritis
- Nerve damage
- Muscle strain or sprains
- Repetitive strain/muscle overuse
- Vehicular injury rehabilitation
- Bursitis and tendinitis
- Back pain/sciatica
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Posture
Rehabilitation after surgery (arthroscopy, stents, and more)
When you have a condition that requires physiotherapy, it’s vital that you receive the right treatment. We offer a wide range of services to treat your illnesses, including chronic neck pain. Brampton Ortho Neuro Physiocare offers massage therapy, acupuncture, and physiotherapy to relieve pain and help you on the road to recovery.
We understand that different ailments require different treatments. Our goal is to match the optimal therapies that will address your individual needs and speed your recovery. Our caring team works closely with patients to create a personalized treatment plan. It’s our mission to give you the optimal treatment to ease your pain and help you get better.
We know the struggle that chronic and severe neck pain can create. If you’re having difficulty working, playing with your children, or handling everyday activities, it’s time to make a change and start living the life you want. Don’t spend another day struggling with pain. Start the strengthening process with our guidance. Immediate pain relief is available; phone or email us with your questions.
Come meet the experienced, licensed therapists who are ready to work with you and create an individualized approach to relieve any neck pain Brampton patients may be experiencing. Please call us today to begin healing: (905) 454-4975.