Acupuncture is an effective treatment for pain and injuries of all kinds, including those suffered by recreational and professional athletes. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese Medicine and uses tiny needles applied different pressure points to reduce pain in various injured areas. We offer professional acupuncture at Brampton Ortho Neuro Physiocare.
Sports injuries can occur when participating in an organized team and individual
athletics. They can also happen while training or during regular fitness workouts. There are many reasons for injury, such as wearing incorrect shoes, not wearing proper protective gear, or having improper form. Injuries also take place when muscles and tendons are overused, or an acute event takes place, causing pain and physical damage.
A sprain (also known as a strain), is a common sports or exercise injury. A sprain usually causes swelling and pain in the injured area. It may also create bruising and stiffness. When this kind of injury takes place, the “RICE” treatment is recommended:
- Rest
- Ice
- Compression
- Elevation
However, when these simple at-home remedies don’t provide relief and healing is delayed, acupuncture can be a solution.
Acupuncture speeds the healing process. Many sports teams keep an acupuncturist on site to for immediate attention to injury. One reason this treatment works so well is it keeps the blood flowing. When trauma takes place in the body, blood flow typically becomes restricted around the affected area. Better blood flow will speed healing and prevent reoccurrence of the injury.
If you’re suffering from a sports injury in Brampton, seek acupuncture from professionals. Call Brampton Ortho Neuro Physiocare today at (905) 454-4975 to get on a healing path.